Hi, I’m David
I’m an author, former lawyer, former mediator, business facilitator and public speaker. But I’m only as relevant as the people I help.
In 44 years of commercial law and workplace mediation...
I witnessed the struggles and collapses of enterprises of every kind. When circumstances got challenging, they failed through unstable foundations. I helped many enterprise leaders—but all too often they came too late, after they’d already hit the wall.
I wanted to make a difference…
I wanted to help enterprises and their leaders survive and thrive, through all challenges. And I wanted to inspire joy and hope, for leaders and their enterprises to enjoy success upon success, always growing.
So I started a club...
It was community-based, called The School of Hard Knocks for Stressed Business People and Reluctant Entrepreneurs, and it continues to this day. It meets quarterly to inspire enterprise leaders with talks, tools and networking.
But there was more to do...
Listening to business club members, I realised we were just touching the surface. Deeper issues went nationwide, in enterprise after enterprise, in workplace after workplace. A greater impact was needed. I needed to share what I’d learnt and experienced by reaching out to a wider audience.